
Adding a New Flare  |  Editing an Existing Flare

Adding a New Flare

  1. Click the Flares tab in the navigation bar of administrative site.
  2. You will see a list of Flare categories used within your site.
  3. To create a new flare post, click Add Flare.
  4. Give the flare post a title via the Flare Title textbox.
  5. Edit URL string to appear in your browser’s address bar by click below the URL heading.
  6. Insert a subtitle if necessary via the Subtitle textbox.
  7. If your flare is an event, select the dates via the Event Dates textboxes.
  8. Insert a .jpg image into the post by clicking the Browse button next to the Post Image textbox.
    Browse computer for image.
    Select one display option below the Browse button.
  9. Include an abstract to appear in the Flare list as a short preface to the post.
  10. Add text and make formatting changes via the WYSIWYG editor.
    Explanation of WYSIWYG functions available in other walkthroughs. Find them here.
  11. Schedule your post for the future or for removal by designating the display dates.
  12. Activate your post and click Add Flare to publish it to your live site.
  13. To reorder Flares after published, click List Flares in a category.
    Click and drag the Flare title to reorder.

Editing an Existing Flare

  1. Click List Flares to show the Flares you can edit in a category.
  2. Click Edit next to the Flare you'd like to edit.
  3. Flare posts can be removed from the live site but saved for future use by clicking Edit Flare and selecting Inactive on bottom of Flare page.
  4. Once you have finished editing your Flare, click Publish Edit.
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