
Adding a New Testimonial  |  Editing an Existing Testimonial

Adding a New Testimonial

  1. Click Testimonials in the navigation bar of administrative site.
  2. Add or list existing testimonials by selecting an option on the right of the screen.
  3. Create a category by selecting Add Category in the Testimonials sidebar.

    Insert category title, select active, and click Add Category.
  4. Select Add Testimonial via the sidebar (or under the testimonial categories).
  5. Select testimonial category via the Category dropdown.
  6. Label the testimonial’s speaker by first and last name in the appropriate textboxes.
  7. Insert a subtitle if necessary.
  8. Provide an email address for reference and retype the email address in the subsequent textbox to confirm.
  9. Associate an image with your testimonial by clicking Browse and searching for a suitable .jpg image.
  10. Insert the testimonial copy within the Testimonial Body.
  11. Schedule your post for removal by designating the display dates.
  12. Activate your post and click Add Testimonial to publish it to your live site.
  13. To reorder testimonials after published, click List Testimonials in a category.
    Click and drag the name to reorder

Editing an Existing Testimonial

  1. Select Manage Testimonials in the sidebar.
  2. If you wish to edit a category, click Edit next to the category.
  3. Click List Testimonials to view testimonials in a category.
  4. Click Edit next to the testimonial you want to edit.
  5. Testimonials can be removed from the live site but saved for future use by selecting Inactive on the bottom of the testimonial page.
  6. Click Publish Edit to publish changes to the testimonial.
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